Here's How You Can Prepare for Senior Year Now

August 1st is the most depressing day of the year, I think, for students and teachers alike.

It is like the death-knell (SAT word) of the summer, when everyone starts to realize that those carefree days off are nearing an end. You try to tell yourself, “Wait, I still have a few weeks left,” but as the days get crossed off the calendar, it feels more and more like the eerie calm before the battle commences. For rising Seniors this is, or at least should be, the start of crunch time.

On August 1st, the Common Application opens, which means that you can actually begin submitting applications to schools. To that I say, without hesitation, “Don’t do it, man.” There is literally no reason to send in an application the first day, and if you do, the chances of you making a mistake are astronomically higher. But, the opening of the Common App should be a reminder to set up an account, if you haven’t done so yet.

Similarly, the first SAT of your Senior year is early this year. It used to be in September, but this year the scheduling gods decreed that it would be August 25th. If you are planning on taking this test, you MUST begin to prepare yourself now. I don’t know how many students I have worked with who did fine on the May or June SAT and planned to take the first test after summer vacation to disastrous results because, even though they swore that they would study over the summer, they never quite got around to it. It is really, really hard to get back into school mode when you’ve only just started, or haven’t even started, the school year. I’ll post hints for the August SAT in next week’s blog, but now is the time to start opening that review book that has been sitting unused on the shelf.

What else should you do between now and the start of school? Obviously, try to get into a better sleep pattern. Finish whatever summer reading you were assigned (although, don’t finish too early. The worst feeling is knowing that you’ve actually read the book and not remembering enough details for that quiz the first class of the year). And, if you haven’t done any college visits, now might be a good time to think about it (check out my blog post on that topic here).

Senior year, we all hope, will be your best year of high school, academically, athletically, and personally. After years of looking up to students ahead of you, this is your biggest chance to shine and have others look up to you. But, as Spiderman reminds us, “with great power comes great responsibility.” In these waning (SAT word) days of summer vacation, try to remember that you are preparing for a challenge, not only in terms of college admissions, but in terms of life. It is an exciting challenge in many ways, but there will be times where you feel stretched to your limit. Don’t despair and don’t freak out, but also don’t ignore the important positions in which you find yourselves.

Your last year of high school is about to begin. Enjoy these last weeks off, so that you can tackle Senior year refreshed and ready to start the next chapter of your lives.  


Mr. K

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