Get expert help as you apply to colleges. With this program, you'll get all the help you need with the following services:

Know Yourself

Bring out your unique personality that makes you stand out by telling me about yourself and your experiences. This assessment can be arranged in person, over the phone, or through Skype. I’ll evaluate your needs and learning style as I learn about your high school performance, curriculum, and extracurricular activities. Then, we’ll reflect on your personal experiences, hobbies, talent, and passions to identify your skills and strengths. 

Make a Plan

Make sure your needs, preferences, and goals can be fulfilled with the colleges you’re aiming for. I’ll provide a second opinion and recommendations to help curate your list of appropriate and aspirational colleges and universities that are right for you. Then, we’ll figure out what tests and materials are necessary to complete your applications, helping you manage the process to stay organized and on track with deadlines. 

Prepare for Tests

Maximize your scores with individualized tutoring to help you prepare for standardized admissions exams, like the SAT, ACT, or TOEFL (for students that are not located in the U.S.).

Craft Essays

Share a compelling story so colleges can get to know who you truly are. I’ll assist you with crafting your personal statement for the Common Application as well as school-specific supplemental essays. Together, we’ll brainstorm which of your experiences showcases you best and how to structure your story in writing. I’ll guide you as you draft your essays. Then, I’ll review the essays to proofread and provide feedback before we consider them final to send.

Make a Decision

You’ll know what to do, but if you need a second opinion or assistance navigating scholarships and financial aid, I can help.


See a list of the colleges and universities that my students were accepted into. Read More